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REuse Concept

How it works!

The ingenious airless system used in the RINGANA glass vials protects the natural, fresh and highly-effective substances in the bottles and makes it possible to expand the RINGANA recycling system. And so you also benefit from this recycling system for glass vials:

1. Pamper your skin with RINGANA products

Step 1 has to be the most enjoyable and easiest: simply order your favourite RINGANA skin care products and pamper your skin with them.

2. Collect 10 skincare product glass bottles

Once you’ve used up your skin care product, keep the glass bottles with pump and “insides” until you have collected 10 of them.

Can I also send back the glass bottles with the old design?
Yes, of course. We are accepting those too for our REuse campaign.

Why shouldn’t I remove the pump and the interior container?
Removing the interior containers from glass bottles usually requires quite a lot of strength. This means there is a risk that the delicate neck of the bottle might be damaged and the bottle cannot be reused. Separating the two parts can be done far more efficiently by RINGANA at the Reuse station.

Does it have to be exactly 10 bottles?
Yes. 10 bottles or multiples of 10 (20, 30 and so on). If you return more than 10 bottles in one consignment, the excess bottles will not be credited against future returns.

What should I do with the plastic bottles?
These are not accepted for the REuse campaign. In the interests of the environment, you should put your empty plastic packaging into the recycling bin (the yellow one in Austria). This conserves resources and contributes to sustainability.

What should I do with the small glass bottles for the RINGANA drinks (RINGANAchi & RINGANAdea)?
Please put the empty RINGANA drinks bottles into a glass recycling container.

3. Return the glass bottles to RINGANA

When you send 10 empty skin care product glass bottles back to us (WITH pump and inner container, please), we will give you one free product from the RINGANA skin care range.

There are 5 different addresses you can use for returns – from which you can choose yourself based on your postage charges and/or sustainability benefits (shorter transport distances):

Angerstraße 1
A-8230 Hartberg


For REuse returns from Germany we recommend the following return address:

OMEST – DHL Paket Austria
c/o Ringana
Medipark 2
83088 Kiefersfelden


For REuse returns from Spain, Portugal and France we recommend the following return address:

RINGANA Logistics Spain S.L.
Carrer de la Mare Teresa de Calcuta, 2
17190 Salt, Girona


For REuse returns from the Canary Islands, we recommend the following return address:

RINGANA Logistics Spain S.L.
Calle Lijadora 36
35118 Poligono Industrial de Arinaga, Las Palmas


For REuse returns from Mexico we recommend the following return address:

RINGANA, S. de R.L de C.V
Lago Zúrich No Ext. 219 Torre II, No. Int. Piso 12 Oficina 2130 & 2131
Col. Ampliación Granada, Alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo
Ciudad de México, C.P. 11529.


For REuse returns from Colombia we recommend the following return address:

RINGANA Colombia S.A.S.
Calle 26 No. 68C-61 of 603,
Bogotá, Colombia


Please affix adequate postage – we cannot process packages that are sent without postage.

What should I put in the package?

Apart from the 10 glass bottles, you must enclose a “REuse coupon” (which provides the details we need to send you your voucher code) in the package. A standardised coupon is available below for download. A hand-written note is enough too. You MUST provide at least the following information:

The e-mail address you have provided to RINGANA. Your voucher code will be sent by e-mail to the e-mail address included with your package. The code is for you personally and cannot be used by anyone else.

Your full name – for security reasons

Your customer or Partner number (if you know it) and/or your address can also help us to identify you as the sender of the package – but these details are not mandatory.

REuse Coupon downloads:

Return to Austria

Return to Germany

Return to Spain

Return to the Canary Islands

Return to Mexico

Return to Colombia


I would like to return glass bottles for several people. Is that possible?
Yes, it is. If, for example, you return 30 bottles for 3 different people, a completed REuse coupon for each person must be enclosed in the package.

Should I package the glass bottles to protect them against breakage?
Even if our new system entails a significant increase in our REuse rate, its success also depends on the condition of the returned bottles. Wherever possible, please package the bottles so that they are protected against breakage – that is the only way you can give the bottles a chance of a “further” life. Tip: reuse an old RINGANA package filled with RINGANA maize pops.



In addition to the measures mentioned in our article, customers and Partners in the United Kingdom must also include a CN22 form with their shipment so that everything goes smoothly. We politely point out that the Customs authorities will return the bottles if any of the instructions are not followed.

To ensure that we receive your empty bottles, you must complete the CN22 Customs declaration correctly. You can download the form here:

You will need to fill out the CN22 form twice, so that you have two copies: put one copy inside the package and attach the other very firmly to the outside of the package, preferably protected from water damage. When sending the package, choose a service provider who will give you a tracking number. We would like to advise our customers and Partners that we do not accept any liability for transport costs or import taxes.

Here a little more information about the blank CN22 form, point by point:

  1. Stating the name and address of the sender is mandatory – state your full name and address, including your postcode.
  2. Specifying the type of contents and describing them is mandatory – Precisely describe every item in the package. Add the remark USED, as in USED, EMPTY GLASS BOTTLES. This will help to avoid delays.
  3. Stating the quantity, value and weight of the individual items is mandatory. Weigh the contents exactly and add a value of 1 GBP per bottle.
  4. Specifying the exact quantity is mandatory – state the total number of items in your package (10 empty used glass bottles).
  5. Specifying the total weight is mandatory – this is the total weight of your package. Weigh your package at your post office.
  6. Specifying the total value is mandatory – this is the total value of all items in the package. Enter the value in GBP. If, for example, you are sending 10 bottles: 1 GBP per bottle = 10 GBP in total.
  7. HS code (Customs tariff code) – this is required if you are sending the package as a business. You must quote the HS code that you will find at the following address: GOV.UK
  8. VAT registration / EORI number – these are required if you are sending the package as a business – if your business has both VAT and EORI numbers, please use the EORI number.
  9. You are required to sign and date the form – you must sign and date the Customs forms yourself on the day you send the package.


Please ALWAYS tick the “Other” box and write USED GOODS” in the Description as shown below. Describe the contents as USED, EMPTY GLASS BOTTLES.


4. Voucher code will be sent by e-mail

The packages will be processed at our REuse station in the order in which they arrive. As soon as your package has been dealt with, the voucher code for your free product will be sent to the e-mail address that you included with the package.

How long will it take until I receive my voucher code?
We trust you will appreciate that it may take several working days to process your package once it has arrived.

5. Using the voucher

You can use your personal voucher code against a free skin care product at any time. Simply place your chosen products in your shopping basket and at the checkout enter the voucher code in the designated field (“Your voucher code”). If you have several products in your shopping basket, the code will automatically be used against the most expensive skin care product in your order. Please note that postage is also charged on orders when the REuse code is used.

Can the REuse campaign voucher code be combined with other voucher promotions?
Yes, you can use several voucher codes.

Can I use several REuse codes against a single order?
Yes, you can also use several REuse campaign voucher codes against a single order.

What happens if I return, say, 20 empty bottles in one package?
In this case you will receive 2 e-mails from us, each of which will contain 1 voucher code.

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